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Mini convertible: Get your hands on a true motoring legend

The original Mini is a true motoring legend, and a fast-appreciating classic. It’s not often they cross our path any more, but as driving and car fans, it’s hard not to get a bit excited when we do have one in stock.

The first thing that strikes you about any original shape Mini is the dimensions. The new, BMW-manufactured Mini is significantly larger and heavier than the original. This one really is tiny, and as a result offers amazing driving feel and a ‘nippiness’ that no modern car has come close to matching.

Our car is in great condition – it’s been previously owned by a true Mini enthusiast, and it shows. The interior, exterior and engine are all great. The folding roof adds an extra element of ‘cool’ to an already-distinctive car.

Cards on the table, this probably isn’t a car you’d want to use every day – it won’t be great on motorways, and if it’s especially wet or snowy, then probably best to leave it in the garage. However, we challenge you to find a car anywhere else that’s capable of putting such a huge smile on your face.

What’s more, most modern small convertibles tend to be aimed at the female driver market. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s hard for manlier men to be seen in, say, a modern Fiat 500C. This Mini, though, is incredibly manly and achingly cool.

You’ll be whistling the Italian Job theme tune all day long. Altogether now: “We are the self-preservation society…”

Full details here.

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